Job Interviews

Job Interviews

What we look for in a job interview

I am text block. Click edit but­ton to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit. Ut elit tel­lus, luc­tus nec ullam­cor­p­er mat­tis, pul­v­inar dapibus leo.

Con­grat­u­la­tions! You just got invit­ed for an inter­view for your dream job. Still, just before cel­e­brat­ing this achieve­ment, we would like to give you some infor­ma­tion about this crit­i­cal phase of the recruit­ment process.
Being invit­ed for an inter­view means you were short­list­ed from a pool of can­di­dates and that the recruiter believes you have the nec­es­sary skills to take that position.
Being in that sit­u­a­tion is both thrilling and chal­leng­ing because now that your tal­ents have been acknowl­edged, you need to show the inter­view pan­el that you are the miss­ing puz­zle piece they are search­ing for.
Ini­tial­ly, first impres­sions mat­ter. Be aware of what is expect­ed from some­one in the posi­tion you fancy.
With the recent changes in the work envi­ron­ments, many inter­views are tak­ing place remote­ly, but some prac­ti­cal­i­ties remain impor­tant, like punc­tu­al­i­ty, appro­pri­ate­ness of ves­ti­ments, and hav­ing an ade­quate background.
If your inter­view is remote, you should ensure there will be no exter­nal dis­rup­tions, which can be achieved by find­ing a qui­et place and/or inform­ing peo­ple around you that you will be unavail­able dur­ing the sched­uled time.
It is essen­tial to do pre­vi­ous research about the employ­er, the indus­try in which it oper­ates, and the cur­rent mar­ket updates for the posi­tion you’re aim­ing for.
Being pre­pared to answer open ques­tions prompt­ly can give you a sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage since the inter­view­er is there to fore­see how you would per­form in the position.
Don’t be ner­vous; answer the ques­tions calm­ly and hon­est­ly, and if you are an excel­lent match, you will receive the good news short­ly! Good luck!

Mastering the job interview

So you have been invit­ed to an inter­view for your dream job but don’t know what to expect? Don’t wor­ry; we have some tips for you to ace any job interview!
First of all, it is impor­tant that you can show the inter­view­er that you are pre­pared and high­light the skills that will make you ide­al for that role. Remem­ber, find­ing new hires is called tal­ent acqui­si­tion  for a rea­son, be sure to exter­nal­ize your qual­i­ties while answer­ing the questions.
To per­form bet­ter and con­tribute to a more flu­id flow, be sure to have pos­si­ble answers to com­mon inter­view ques­tions in mind. That way, you have a high­er chance of remem­ber­ing every­thing you want the inter­view­er to know and avoid long pauses.
For that, you should be aware of the main top­ics and types of ques­tions that can arise dur­ing your inter­view, name­ly: behav­ioral, sit­u­a­tion­al, per­son­al, and com­pa­ny-relat­ed questions.
Behav­ioral ques­tions intend to pre­dict what kind of work­er you will be. They require you to give an exam­ple of a past work-relat­ed expe­ri­ence with a giv­en sit­u­a­tion. To answer these ques­tions, you can use the STAR tech­nique, which com­pris­es the descrip­tion of the Sit­u­a­tion, Task, Action, and Result, which you can achieve by describ­ing the issue, the goals, how you act­ed, and whether you suc­ceed­ed. It’s always bet­ter to have exam­ples of past chal­leng­ing work sit­u­a­tions you over­came up your sleeve.
Sim­i­lar­ly, sit­u­a­tion­al ques­tions will require you to describe your con­duct, but for a hypo­thet­i­cal future work sit­u­a­tion, like­ly relat­ed to your field. For that, you should try to give an answer that aligns with past sim­i­lar expe­ri­ences, jus­ti­fy­ing that in sim­i­lar occur­rences, your approach was successful.
Per­son­al ques­tions, in their turn, aim to deter­mine whether you, as an indi­vid­ual, are a good match for the com­pa­ny. They can com­prise ques­tions about your work and edu­ca­tion, but also about your char­ac­ter, strengths and weak­ness­es. Answer­ing those ques­tions should be pret­ty sim­ple, as you just need to be hon­est and try to shed a pos­i­tive light.
Last but not least, com­pa­ny-relat­ed ques­tions will require that you explain why you are a good match for the employ­er. For that, you should do your home­work in research­ing the com­pa­ny ahead of time , focus­ing on its com­pa­ny cul­ture, such as its mis­sion and work environment.
At the end of the inter­view, you will prob­a­bly be asked whether you have ques­tions. You should take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn more about the role and the com­pa­ny and show that you are gen­uine­ly inter­est­ed in the job!
With sim­ple prepa­ra­tion, you will leave a remark­able impres­sion and have a high­er chance of being a match for your dream job!

How to become a top talent?

Regard­less of mar­ket sat­u­ra­tion, top tal­ents are always in high demand.
Stand­ing out from com­peti­tors, hav­ing a remark­able skill set and edu­ca­tion, and even expe­ri­ence — a chal­leng­ing endeav­or that should not be left for fate or luck.
The best tal­ents are those who go above and beyond to improve them­selves and pos­i­tive­ly influ­ence the envi­ron­ment around them by their moti­vat­ing exam­ple and pos­i­tive attitude.
One way of fit­ting those shoes is to always keep your knowl­edge up to date and research inno­va­tions and solu­tions that can upgrade your work’s qual­i­ty and efficiency.
Demon­strat­ing you can be a vision­ary while man­ag­ing risk and tak­ing well informed deci­sions can take a long way in your career. Why climb the cor­po­rate lad­der when you can fly?
Inspir­ing peo­ple around you to be their best ver­sion can lev­el up a whole busi­ness and be the pil­lar of success.
For that, you should be loy­al to your val­ues while achiev­ing your full poten­tial pro­fes­sion­al­ly and per­son­al­ly, as hon­est, ful­filled peo­ple tend to gath­er hoards of fol­low­ers who admire them and seek to be the same.
Don’t for­get lead­er­ship is an earned posi­tion based on mutu­al trust and coop­er­a­tion between all par­ties to serve a greater purpose.
If you are work­ing on being your best ver­sion and save no efforts in being a valu­able play­er to any team you’re a part of, if you val­ue achiev­ing your goals whilst enjoy­ing all the steps of the way to the top, being an inspi­ra­tion to oth­ers and a moti­va­tor, then our ways might very soon be crossed.
That is because at Glasford Inter­na­tion­al we spe­cial­ize in con­nect­ing top tal­ents to suit­able open posi­tions with the poten­tial of land­ing a dream job.
We strive to build mean­ing­ful, long-last­ing rela­tion­ships between our clients and match­ing can­di­dates, lead­ing to mutu­al achievement.

Author: Glasford Inter­na­tion­al Deutschland